Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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Text File
433 lines
Short: Powerful conferencebased BBS software written in assembler.
Author: c-lous@freenet.hut.fi
Uploader: c-lous@freenet.hut.fi
Version: 1.26
Type: comm/bbs
Requires: OS2.04+, 2Mb
DayDream BBS is written in 100% assembler and is therefor one of the
fastest BBS programs availiable on Amiga today.
- DayDream BBS looks like AmiExpress, which is a much loved and hated
BBS software. Most of the people who like AmiExpress like it because of
it's simpliness and because it's very fast to use. However, AmiExpress
requires a very fast CPU to operate smoothly and the configurability is
rather poor too. DayDream fixes the major problems found in AmiX.
- 100% assembly code. DayDream is probably the fastest BBS-software
- Number of conferences is limited to 64. Each conference can have up to
254 messagebases and fileareas. 64*254 = 16256 (or for Pentium users
- Maximum security. Each user can have their own securitysettings, but
defaults are taken by securitylevel. Every command in DayDream can be
toggled on/off.
- Basic utilities and doors are included in distribution archive. For
example: Faker, whof, new, top list -utilities, weektop etc.
- Configuration is done via an ascii file. This enables quick modifica-
tions to the BBS' settings. Asciifile is converted to binaryformat
with utility called DreamConfig. It takes about 1 sec to compile
the datafiles with it.
- If you don't like editing Textfile, there's a MUI based configprogram
included. (Read MUIConfig.DOC!)
- Superb upload handling. Full support for file_id.diz, gets date from
file_id.diz (if wanted), built-in offline checking, adds file_id.diz
to archives if it didn't exist etc.
- Strings and prompts can be re-defined, so you can customize your BBS
any way you like.
- You can have 254 different displaymodes. Each displaymode can have
it's own characterconversiontables (=no more linefeeds), prompts and
strings and textfiles.
- Multinode support. Supports up to 254 nodes in theory. I suppose you
can have at least 5 nodes on regular 030 without too high CPU-Load.
- Door formats supported: DayDream, ARexx, Paragon, stdio. AmiExpress
preudo-rexx "XIM" doors work via external emulation.
- Supports XPR-Protocols, Hydra+SModem (Bidirectional w/ chat).
- Supports FTP-transfers. There's a custom ftpd for DD to have on-the-fly
- Cheap. DayDream costs only 300SEK or 55USD.
- Everything else except DDHydra and SModem can be made resident!
- KickStart 2.04 (V37) or higher.
- Fifo.library and l:fifo-handler running (for stdio doors etc.)
- Reqtools.library
DayDream is currently being developed at full speed and I intend to
continue as long as there is any interest in this program.
If you have any comments, discover some bugs or have any suggestions etc
feel free to send E-Mail to me at: c-lous@freenet.hut.fi.
Also try to catch Origo on IRC, channels #DayDream, #AmiElite or #AmigaScne.
You can get doors etc. via ftp:
Check out also DayDream homepage. http://www.haukipudas.fi/~anttihay.
===( Version 1.26 - 151096 )==============================================
- DayDream now has a binary Callers.Log with lots of useful info.
Check out the new file Callers.Log.Structure in the Structures/ dir.
(I expect some more utils now :-)
Thank you to Joo/ToyTools for the Idea!
- Changed operator paging beep to use DisplayBeep() instead.
(Actually this was in 1.25, but I forgot about it. :-)
Executable got a bit smaller as I removed the AudioBeep.asm routine.
- Test door command ('$') now takes parameters, so now you can use the
commandline history with it!
Faster development now, eh ? :-)
- Changed login a bit. If user record is not found, DD asks if user want to
register as a new user.
- Updated oldmsgdelete, now you can specify conference number, basenumber and
it also has a test option (simulate only).
- Made the MUI-Config/DreamConfig communicate with the server. When new
prefs are saved, server is told to re-read some of the datafiles, and Server
then notifies each node of the new settings.
NOTE: Only doors/conferences/archivers/protocols can be changed this way.
- DayDream is 68000 compatible again. :-)
- EAll messages now have expire date, when user writes a eall message, he
must also specify number of days before the message is automaticly deleted.
Expired eall msgs are scanned for every new day at the first connection.
Scan for expired ealls is done on the first call every day.
Thanks to Nike/TRSi among others for suggesting this..
- Saving of txt file from MUIConfig fixed.
- Included 000 and 020+ versions of Server and MUIConfig.
- Fixed a NASTY output bug in the mailscan.
Thanks to Wolfman/Intellect for reporting and helping me out.
- Added new server activity strings:
'Listing NEW files..'
'Zippy Searching..'
'Logging off'
'Viewing File(s)..'
'Viewing Bulletins..'
'Paging Sysop'
Thanks to BigBang for suggesting this.
- Added a Pause prompt to the logviewer.
Thanks to BigBang for suggesting this.
- Registered user now shows at first output at connect.
- You knew internal UserList took matchpattern as an argument, didn't you ? :-)
- Capture option availiable in the node menus. Capture saves all output to
the node in a file called DayDream:LogFiles/CaptureFile<node>.Log
File is saved WITH ansi-codes, so use an ansi-viewer, like TextView 1.7
by Torbjörn A. Andersson (Found on Aminet).
NOTE: Not 100% functional yet (still bugfree though :)
NOTE2: Watch out! This file can grow BIG very fast!
Thanks to many people who more or less DEMANDED this. :-)
- Changed the 'transfer bar' again. :-)
- Small enhanchments and bugfixes in MUIConfig.
- Hopefully one or two bugfixes in BGChecker.
- Included support for Gnu CC. Thanks to Janne Kiviluoto for creating the
- Server font don't piss anymore (atleast not for me!)
- Hopefully finally fixed the output bug in the mailscan. (?)
- Default file_id.diz is now taken from Data/def_FILE_ID.DIZ in current
conference. Edit it to for ex. "Desc. Lost" or something.
- Fixed some cosmetic stuff.. :-)
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
1562 556 64.4% 14-Oct-96 17:32:54 +appicon.info
482 304 36.9% 14-Oct-96 17:32:54 +GetFax1.bat
292 173 40.7% 14-Oct-96 17:32:54 +Logoff1.BAT
1428 590 58.6% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +DD-ConfTop.CFG
783 278 64.4% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +DDTop.Config
439 234 46.6% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +DDWeekTop.Config
365 241 33.9% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +DreamFaker.Cfg
558 379 32.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +Dreammail.Cfg
679 328 51.6% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +Dreamnew.CFG
800 165 79.3% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +DreamWall.DAT
1679 442 73.6% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +WeekTop.GFX
797 288 63.8% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +WeekTop.TXT
150 64 57.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Access.DAT
4400 468 89.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Archivers.DAT
700 113 83.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Conferences.DAT
256 256 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +ConversionTable01.DAT
256 256 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +ConversionTable02.DAT
4000 182 95.4% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +DayDream.DAT
100 17 83.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +DD-Server.DAT
400 69 82.7% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +Display.DAT
2600 282 89.1% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +ExternalCommands.DAT
14 14 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +FreeDownloads.DAT
85 46 45.8% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +FTP-Paths.DAT
400 131 67.2% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +IO-Device1.DAT
400 92 77.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +IO-Device2.DAT
20 20 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +LogOnDoors.DAT
400 133 66.7% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +Multinode.DAT
800 106 86.7% 14-Oct-96 17:32:58 +Protocols.DAT
4800 61 98.7% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +Schedule.DAT
250 88 64.8% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +Security.DAT
2056 14 99.3% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +Selected.DAT
7 7 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:56 +TrashCan.DAT
100 61 39.0% 15-Oct-96 04:23:06 +Version.DAT
157984 80135 49.2% 17-Oct-96 01:51:48 +DayDream
25504 6436 74.7% 14-Oct-96 17:32:50 +DayDream.CFG
1562 559 64.2% 14-Oct-96 17:32:54 +DayDream.info
3263 1714 47.4% 14-Oct-96 17:32:54 +DD126.readme
1192 684 42.6% 14-Oct-96 17:32:52 +Developer.Info
1199 348 70.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +Access.DAT.Structure
2021 552 72.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +Archivers.DAT.Structure
2064 517 74.9% 15-Oct-96 04:22:44 +Callers.Log.Structure
5182 1277 75.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +Conferences.DAT.Structure
895 472 47.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +ConversionTable.DAT.Structure
4923 1544 68.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +DayDream.DAT.Structure
1259 425 66.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +Directory.Structure
1860 495 73.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +Directory.Structure2
2236 716 67.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +Display.DAT.Structure
27816 7872 71.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +DoorMessage.Structure
675 239 64.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +DownloadLog.Structure
1188 676 43.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +DreamDoor.Info
695 410 41.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:08 +Example.e
910 534 41.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:08 +Example2.e
1035 569 45.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:08 +Example3.e
6428 2918 54.6% 17-Oct-96 01:17:44 +DayDream.m
824 436 47.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:08 +DDDoor_pragmas.m
696 350 49.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +Testlib.e
9897 2823 71.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:08 +DayDream.I
881 417 52.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:08 +DreamDoor_lib.i
1192 683 42.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:06 +Doc.Info
24452 7206 70.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:10 +DreamDoor.doc
1396 509 63.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:10 +DreamDoor.Doc.info
1268 569 55.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:10 +DreamDoor.fd
26044 7642 70.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:10 +DreamDoor.Guide
1396 509 63.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:10 +DreamDoor.Guide.info
5772 1199 79.2% 16-Oct-96 00:42:36 +dddoor.h
1339 612 54.2% 16-Oct-96 00:42:58 +dddoor_lib.fd
328 197 39.9% 16-Oct-96 00:52:30 +dddoor.h
1177 636 45.9% 17-Oct-96 01:23:36 +readme.txt
444 220 50.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +AsmRoutines.s
11242 3380 69.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +Conftop.c
311 213 31.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +smakefile
1142 404 64.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:14 +AsmRoutines.s
22340 5815 73.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +Faker.c
308 210 31.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +smakefile
1574 655 58.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +FileChain.c
14403 3369 76.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:12 +Stat.C
924 414 55.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:10 +testlib.c
2361 713 69.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:14 +dddoor_protos.h
9416 2809 70.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:14 +DayDream.h
3578 1241 65.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:14 +dddoor.h
1694 498 70.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:14 +DDDoor_pragmas.h
177 123 30.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:16 +dddoor.h
18072 4485 75.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +DreamNew.S
1474 455 69.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +ExternalCommands.DAT.Structure
571 263 53.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +FSED.Interface
3672 692 81.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:04 +IO-Device.Structure
591 181 69.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +LossCarrier.DAT.Structure
2924 690 76.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +Message.DAT.Structure
3340 950 71.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +MultiNode.DAT.Structure
1582 449 71.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +NodeMessage.Structure
2535 319 87.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +NodeScreen.Structure
1424 436 69.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +NodeStructure.Structure
1295 365 71.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +Protocols.DAT.Structure
212 153 27.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:02 +ReadMe
1392 510 63.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +ReadMe.info
1132 376 66.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Schedule.DAT.Structure
2801 743 73.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Security.DAT.Structure
854 447 47.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Selected.DAT.Structure
671 236 64.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +UploadLog.Structure
4906 1488 69.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +UserBase.DAT.Structure
2325 813 65.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:00 +Version.DAT.Structure
6588 3700 43.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:16 +kalacon.device
112 50 55.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:16 +DisplayModeHelp.TXT
97 76 21.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:16 +DisplayModeList.TXT
280 185 33.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +AccountFrozen.GFX
249 160 35.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +AccountFrozen.TXT
1569 300 80.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +Banner.GFX
1113 197 82.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +Banner.TXT
380 120 68.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +BiDirProtocolMenu.GFX
333 92 72.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +BiDirProtocolMenu.TXT
1198 408 65.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +CallersHeader.GFX
1150 377 67.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +CallersHeader.TXT
1295 479 63.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +Commands.GFX
1221 448 63.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +Commands.TXT
995 348 65.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +Conferences.GFX
933 323 65.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +Conferences.TXT
1363 262 80.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +Download.GFX
1167 209 82.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +Download.TXT
736 194 73.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +DreamNewHelp.GFX
628 158 74.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +DreamNewHelp.TXT
728 265 63.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +EditUser.GFX
538 227 57.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +EditUser.TXT
34 34 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +FileCatalogs.GFX
21 21 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +FileCatalogs.TXT
1769 518 70.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +Goodbye.GFX
1396 435 68.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +goodbye.txt
26 26 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:24 +LineChatOff.GFX
22 22 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +LineChatOff.TXT
1227 293 76.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +LineChatOn.GFX
1223 287 76.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +LineChatOn.TXT
385 180 53.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +LineEditorCommands.GFX
259 161 37.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +LineEditorCommands.TXT
101 87 13.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +MoreHelp.GFX
101 87 13.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +MoreHelp.TXT
415 173 58.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +Msgreadcommands.gfx
375 156 58.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +Msgreadcommands.txt
84 72 14.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +NewUser.GFX
84 72 14.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +newuser.txt
1228 463 62.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:22 +OtherCommands.GFX
1006 395 60.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +OtherCommands.TXT
453 190 58.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +ProtocolMenu.GFX
391 132 66.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +ProtocolMenu.TXT
204 156 23.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +Reg_RealName.GFX
191 141 26.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +Reg_RealName.TXT
156 120 23.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +Reg_ScreenLength.GFX
152 115 24.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +Reg_ScreenLength.TXT
946 232 75.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +ScanDateHelp.GFX
684 204 70.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +ScanDateHelp.TXT
26 26 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +SplitChatOff.GFX
22 22 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:20 +SplitChatOff.TXT
1227 293 76.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +SplitChatOn.GFX
1223 287 76.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +SplitChatOn.TXT
1491 254 82.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +Upload.GFX
1264 194 84.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +Upload.TXT
412 205 50.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +UpLoadCommands.GFX
301 178 40.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +UpLoadCommands.TXT
109 95 12.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +Welcome.GFX
109 95 12.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:18 +Welcome.TXT
101 87 13.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:16 +MoreHelp.TXT
22877 6849 70.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:16 +Strings.001
1192 681 42.8% 14-Oct-96 17:32:52 +Docs.Info
1912 487 74.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +BugReport.Form
56331 21628 61.6% 17-Oct-96 01:54:58 +changes.guide
1392 505 63.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:30 +Changes.Guide.info
171895 51016 70.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:30 +DayDream.guide
1392 507 63.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:30 +DayDream.Guide.info
2618 1013 61.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +DDCallers.MAN
2187 1010 53.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +DDConfTop.DOC
1616 614 62.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +DDTop.MAN
1677 759 54.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +DDWeekTop.MAN
525 321 38.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +DreamFaker.MAN
1685 878 47.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +DreamMail.MAN
7486 2793 62.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +FAQ.Guide
2201 1064 51.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +ftpd.doc
372 271 27.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:28 +kalacon.readme
1232 673 45.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +MUIConfig.DOC
987 546 44.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:26 +RoboWriter.DOC
8072 3106 61.5% 17-Oct-96 01:48:10 +UpDating.TXT
772 451 41.5% 17-Oct-96 01:48:04 +Version.NFO
1192 680 42.9% 14-Oct-96 17:32:52 +Doors.Info
8656 5179 40.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +ConfTop
7228 4188 42.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +DD-Inet
6124 2989 51.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +DDRc
17120 8634 49.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +Faker
6640 3514 47.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +FSEd
13816 5583 59.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +grab
5864 3057 47.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +New
6544 3007 54.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +rexx
8162 1852 77.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +BBSList.dd
3369 1155 65.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +LogOff.dd
6812 1452 78.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +MComment.dd
346 216 37.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +SetLrp.dd
3666 887 75.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:34 +Stats.dd
17284 8589 50.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +stat
1208 715 40.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +Wall
3036 1518 50.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:32 +whof
34 34 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +Bulletin.1.GFX
34 34 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +Bulletin.1.TXT
605 213 64.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +BulletinMenu.GFX
575 193 66.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +BulletinMenu.TXT
11 11 0.0% 14-Oct-96 22:56:42 +def_FILE_ID.DIZ
5 5 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +FreeDownloads.DAT
40 40 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +Paths.DAT
229 110 51.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:38 +FileCatalogs.GFX
171 83 51.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:38 +FileCatalogs.TXT
232 116 50.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:38 +MessageBases.GFX
174 91 47.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:36 +MessageBases.TXT
175 79 54.8% 16-Oct-96 00:54:54 +file_id.diz
4392 1625 63.0% 14-Oct-96 17:32:52 +InstallDD
1645 647 60.6% 14-Oct-96 17:32:52 +InstallDD.info
7736 4615 40.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:38 +fifo-handler
3712 1468 60.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +DreamDoor.Library
3212 2004 37.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +fifo.library
45156 29763 34.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +reqtools.library
33392 24803 25.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:38 +rexxsyslib.library
1232 492 60.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +DreamToss.Cfg
390 244 37.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +Registration
65 59 9.2% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +Registration.Questions
2539 1093 56.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +Announce.amirx
747 304 59.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +servertest.rexx
2291 881 61.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:40 +who.amirx
96920 52707 45.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +ftpd
28652 13537 52.7% 17-Oct-96 01:51:34 +Server
1562 556 64.4% 14-Oct-96 17:32:52 +Server.Info
28628 13528 52.7% 17-Oct-96 01:41:10 +Server_020
1192 678 43.1% 14-Oct-96 17:32:50 +Utils.Info
8540 5567 34.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +Aminet2DD
826 187 77.3% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +aminetmakeindex.bat
10428 6434 38.3% 14-Oct-96 22:12:38 +BGCheck
8584 4913 42.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +cryptpw
10140 3703 63.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +DDCallers
55412 30659 44.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +ddhydra
1660 918 44.6% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +DDRCServer
13532 2856 78.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:48 +DDTop
7976 2940 63.1% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +DDWeekTop
1496 1032 31.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +Dirclean
12508 4768 61.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +DreamConfig
11072 5802 47.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +DreamToss
5028 3277 34.8% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +eall2all
1248 799 35.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +FixBases
968 663 31.5% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +fixsysopaccount
1816 1181 34.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +Listclean
2048 1045 48.9% 14-Oct-96 17:33:46 +MSGBaseOpt
132028 44777 66.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:44 +MUIConfig
130804 44473 66.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:44 +MUIConfig_020
824 573 30.4% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +Oldlist2Newlist
4052 2226 45.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +oldmsgdelete
2140 1325 38.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +RoboWriter
40948 23432 42.7% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +smodem
208 208 0.0% 14-Oct-96 17:33:42 +WaitForPort
439 223 49.2% 17-Oct-96 01:57:22 FILE_ID.DIZ
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
1658150 680920 58.9% 17-Oct-96 23:36:56 251 files